Task 1: How does slurm work, and how to use it for spades

Task 1: How does slurm work, and how to use it for spades

(time frame: max 20 minutes)

Explain briefly how slurm works. Include concepts such as queue, cpus, threads, slurm job script, etc.

HPC basics



On remote

Queue manager in resturent

Explain how to set up a saga job script for the program SPAdes


SPAdes manual



Job script

[Saga documentation] (https://documentation.sigma2.no/jobs/job_scripts/saga_job_scripts.html)


##Job name:
#SBATCH --job-name=Spades_test
#SBATCH --account=nnxxxxk
##Wall time limit:
#SBATCH --time=1:10:00
#Number of Nodes:
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#Number of cores:
##SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#Amount of memory:
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=16G

##Set up job environment:
set -o errexit  # Exit the script on any error
set -o nounset  # Treat any unset variables as an error

##Load the modules
module --quiet purge  # Reset the modules to the system default
module load SPAdes/3.14.1-GCC-8.3.0-Python-3.7.4
module list

##Set variables
export DATA_DIR="/cluster/software/SPAdes/3.14.1-GCC-8.3.0-Python-3.7.4/share/spades/test_dataset"
export OUTPUT_DIR="spades_1k_2"

##Run spades:
spades.py --pe1-1 "${DATA_DIR}/ecoli_1K_1.fq.gz" \
    --pe1-2 "${DATA_DIR}/ecoli_1K_2.fq.gz" \
    --careful --threads ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} \
    --memory  ${MEM_R} \
    -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}

How to monitor jobs

Please include a discussion on commands that can be used to monitor a slurm job,
and slurm commands that can be used to diagnose if we have allocated resources correctly.

squeue -u $USER
scontrol show job <JOBID>
sacct -j  <JOBID>
ssh <compute_node>

Task 2: Show and explain a larger coding project in which you have played a significant role (time frame: 20 minutes)

Possible projects: Publication list

  1. EGDMS Java/Javascript/SQL/Python
    1. eGenVar
  2. AUS 1, R/Fortran/Bash
  3. Bigsync bash
  4. Big File transfer bash
  5. Tavtar Pythn/Bash/Google-scripting

The coding team, and who did what

The problem that the code was supposed to solve

Code architecture

The development process

Big choices made along the way (both yours, and the teams)

Mistakes along the way, and how they were fixed (both yours, and the teams)

What would you have wanted to change, based on what you know now.

Please note: we would like to see some code

Extra details


are continuous stretches of sequence containing only A, C, G, or T bases without gaps


are created by chaining contigs together using additional information about the relative position and orientation of the contigs in the genome. Contigs in a scaffold are separated by gaps, which are designated by a variable number of ā€˜Nā€™ letters. Scaffolding is often used for short-read assemblies to make sense of the fragmented genome assemblies containing short contigs. However, there are three important principal deficiencies of scaffolds: